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Incident Response


Federal agencies primary response is to their designated public land area, however these fire resources can respond to mutual aid calls neighboring the property. Federal resources can be mobilized to assist the Texas A&M Forest Service for state response or be mobilized out-of-state to assist on other public lands.

National Forests and Grasslands in Texas
Fish & Wildlife Service – Southwest Region
National Park Service
Bureau of Indian Affairs – Southern Plains Region

Texas A&M Forest Service Field Operations

Since its inception in 1915, one of the primary missions of Texas A&M Forest Service has been the suppression and extinguishing of forest fires. In 1993, the mission was expanded to include the coordination of response to each major or potentially major wildland fire in the state.

Texas uses a tiered approach to wildfire response and suppression. Local fire departments and counties are the first responders, with state response being activated as wildfires or conditions exceed the local ability to control. In Texas, Texas A&M Forest Service is the lead agency for wildfire response. As the suppression resources of Texas A&M Forest Service and other state agencies are depleted, out-of-state resources are brought in, under state control, to meet essential needs.

Field Operations Leadership
Field Operations Regional Operations Chiefs
Field Operations Regional Coordinators
Field Operations Fire Coordinators
Field Operations Fire Coordinators Listing
Field Operations Staff
Field Operations Wildland Urban Interface Coordinators
Line Medics
Fire Ops IRD Fire Operations Protocols
STAR Procedures & Overview


TIFMAS (Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System) is maintained by Texas A&M Forest Service. The program includes grants, training and qualifications and mobilization systems to make statewide use of local resources.
The program was first used during Hurricane Ike, and has since been used in responses such as to the Presidio flooding, wildfire outbreaks across Texas and Hurricane Alex & Harvey.
To Learn More ...


A Hand Crew is an as needed, versatile 20-person state and national resource. Duties include hiking to remote locations of fires using hand tools to cut containment line, suppress hotspots, support firing operations, and fuels mitigation. Hand Crew participation provides an excellent opportunity to learn leadership skills, fire behavior, fireline organization, and natural resource management. Participation is voluntary.


The Alamo Regulars is a Type 2 Initial Attack hand Crew formed by interagency resources from the US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, National Park Service and Texas A&M Forest Service. These agencies coordinate together to form a Hand Crew. The leadership of the crew rotates between the agencies and gives opportunity for experience and training.

Alamo Regulars Hand Crew Operating Guidelines


The Lone Star State Hand Crew is a Texas A&M Forest Service sponsored Hand Crew with full-time Texas A&M Forest Service employees. These employees voluntarily apply on an annual basis for participation on the crew. This crew is a Type 2 Initial Attack Hand Crew that meets national standards.

View the annual story map of the Lone Star State Hand Crew's accomplishments.