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The Internal Training program offers a wide variety of training opportunities for Texas A&M Forest Service employees. The program consists of the Responder Academy, NWCG & agency specific training, prescribed fire exchanges, learning reviews, and more. These opportunities are intended to promote safety and firefighter development among our employees.

Listed below are a few of the documents for the above mentioned programs.


CDL Training Request Form
CDL Program Student Expectations
Financial Guidance for CDL School Enrollment
CDL Program Checklist
Driving School Evaluation


Out-of-State Training Request
Out-of-State Training Evaluation


Texas A&M Forest Service Priority Trainee Nomination Form

For further details and current training being offered, please refer to our Texas A&M Forest Service training ACADIS website: TFS.AcadisOnline.com.

The External Training program offers NWCG, FEMA, and agency-specific training to our local, state, and federal cooperators. The program consists of single-course deliveries, multiple-course events, Interagency Wildfire & Incident Management Academies, AHIMT training and exercises, and more.

For further details and current training being offered, please refer to our Texas A&M Forest Service training website: TFS.AcadisOnline.com.
You may also contact your respective Fire Coordinator for additional information.


TAMFS provides NWCG and agency-specific training for local, state, and federal cooperators. Training may be delivered as a single course or multiple courses.
For more information, contact External Training at Ext.Training@tfs.tamu.edu.

For Training Coordinators:
You may request training by submitting a Training Approval Worksheet


TAMFS provides all hazard incident management training to local, state, and federal cooperators. Curriculum consists of position-specific courses through FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute and the National Fire Academy’s Type III IMT Program.

Since 1998, the Texas Interagency Wildfire and Incident Management Academy has brought emergency responders of all backgrounds together to develop their skills and careers. The academy strives to provide a diverse and well-rounded learning experience and offers all level of classes from basic wildland firefighter to various supervisory positions. The academy usually provides the best opportunity for 300 and 400 level courses, including specialized training.
Two large interagency academies are offered annually.

The East Texas Interagency Wildfire and Incident Management Academy (ETIWA) is held in Lufkin, Texas on the Angelina College campus each year in May.

The Capital Area Interagency Wildfire & Incident Management Academy (CAIWA) is held outside Bastrop, Texas at the Camp Swift National Guard Training Center each year in October.

For further details and current training being offered, please refer to the Online Registration Portal: TFS.AcadisOnline.com

Having a better understanding of conditions of influence can help us get a better grasp of the pressures, goal conflicts, and other factors that affected the pertinent decisions and actions that took place during the event. Having a grasp of these conditions will aid in making systematic improvements to improve the way we engage in normal work every day.” FLA Guide (2018)

RLS-FLA Information

RLS-FLA information

Texas A&M Forest Service Facilitated Learning Analysis (FLA) Reports

Texas A&M Forest Service Facilitated Learning Analysis (FLA) Reports:

For more information about the Facilitated Learning Analysis process and to browse an extensive database of FLA reports from across the US, click the following link to explore the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center website: https://lessons.fs2c.usda.gov/

If you have experienced an incident that you feel others could learn from, please speak up:

• If it is a significant event (i.e. injury, near miss, major equipment/property damage), route the request through your chain of command to your Department Head, who can submit a request to lessonslearned@tfs.tamu.edu.

• For other incidents (i.e. minor equipment/property damage, helpful/preventative procedures, anything with lessons), submit the information directly to lessonslearned@tfs.tamu.edu. Please include as much information as possible as well as any related documentation, photos, notes, etc.