TIFMAS (Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System) is maintained by Texas A&M Forest Service. The program includes grants, training and qualifications and mobilization systems to make statewide use of local resources. The program was first used during Hurricane Ike, and has since been used in response such as to the Presidio flooding, wildfire outbreaks across Texas and Hurricane Alex & Harvey.
TIFMAS Info Listserv / Distribution List
If you wish to receive information and updates about TIFMAS training and qualifications standards, please send an email to
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You must reply to that "Join Request" email in order to complete your subscription. Please do not change the subject as the ID field is important. (clicking the blue button in this email only works if you are logged in to a Google account). At that time, you will receive a final email, confirming that you have joined the TIFMASInfo group.